Owner Reports

Based of years of experience with financial instructions, publicly held companies and top ten accounting firms PPHG has overtime developed comprehensive reporting methods designed to keep the owner totally informed on the financial and operational status of each asset. On or before the 20th of each month, the owner receives a bound book detailing the following:

  • Narrative on property performance
  • Complete Detailed Profit & Loss Statement
  • Monthly and Year-to-date Actual Expenses vs. Budget
  • Copies of all Monthly Bank Statements
  • Un-audited Balance Sheet
  • Vendor Check Summary
  • Monthly Check Resister
  • Preventive Maintenance Schedules and Results
  • Capital Expense Activities
  • Smith Travel Reports "STAR" Reports

Over the years, we have found providing owners with full and accurate accounting of all aspects of hotel operations creates a level of confidence regarding their asset. This process translates into a sense of security enhancing the owner management relationship. Since inception of the company, we have and continue to have positive feedback from our ownership groups on our reporting techniques.